The Center for Advancing Human-Machine Partnership

CAHMP-Relevant Research Funding Opportunities


We have gathered selected upcoming funding opportunities that might interest CAHMP faculty members. Let us know if you need any facilitations in your proposal development effort. 

Opportunity Title Funding Agency Link Due
Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities NEH 9/12/24

Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT)

NSF 9/12/24
Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) NSF 8/9/24
Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities NEH 2/15/24
Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence NEH 2/14/24
Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence NSF 2/14/24
Science of Science: Discovery, Communication and Impact (SoS: DCI) NSF 2/12/24
Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS) – Infrastructure (HNDS-I) NSF 2/1/24
Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice Department of Education 1/11/24
Institute of Education Sciences (IES): National Center for Education Research (NCER): Statistical and Research Methodology in Education Department of Education 1/11/24
Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS) – Core Research (HNRS-R) NSF 1/11/24



In the space below, we list both Mason and regional funding opportunities that are open to CAHMP faculty members. While some are long standing annual programs, others are new and one-time programs. Please note – updates are frequently offered about these opportunities. Please use the links to explore their most recent updates.

Research  Seed Grants

  • CCI Fellow Program

    This call will fund CCI researchers to lead center-scale proposals. Proposals must involve at least two CCI institutions of higher education (from any Node). A CCI institution of higher education must play a coordination role in the project. The budget associated with CCI institutions in the center-scale proposal must be at least $2 million. Proposals must be in response to a published call or a direct solicitation from a funding agency or company. Due December 2023


Curriculum Development Grants

  • GMU Curriculum Impact Grant – Application Deadline February 24
  • 4-VA Course Redesign Grant – Application Deadline February 24. Typically a research collaboration grant, 4-VA does accept course redesign proposals this year. Also see 4-VA Collaborative Research Grant above.


Innovation-to-commercialization, translational technology Grants


Event Grants

  • ORAU Event Grant – Offered annually on a rolling basis. Only one event grant per institution in one year.


Faculty Stipends

Postdoc and Graduate Student Fellowship